Why the exams?
Hope to be reaching my dear readers in the best state of health and iman. InsyaAllah.
I am really sorry to not being updating this page as often as i wished i would. I've gotta learn to be disciplined and better use the time that has been given to me for i do not know when it would run out.
Verily, Priorities are to be managed tactfully. Currently, I am in my exam period, as is many others. InsyaAllah, i would try to get this site up and running once those things are done.
Just for us to ponder on something, i came across this site while googling. Its a compilation of some incidents that had happened in the life of our dear Prophet Muhammad S.A.W (Peace and blessing be upon him)
Till then, good luck for the exams and ...
'...Allah is with those who patiently persevere.'
(Excerpt 2:153)
-Wallahu a'lam-
Allah knows best