
My Blog site. All about Whys... Hopefully i don't run out of whys.

Location: North Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Hey, I am Suhaimi. Thanks for checking out my blog. Hope some of the materials in it would be beneficial. InsyaAllah. Also, as we are all in constant struggle to improve ourselves, i would really appreciate if you would leave your comments. Be it on me or on things that i wrote. Thanks lots.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Why Congratulation!!!

Let me sing a song.

"Congratulations and celebration to all my dear friend,
and not forgetting, my dear, dear girlfriend,
all the one doing A levels,
who did so well in their exams,
And also to everyone flying,
sooner or later,"

And, hopefully all your dreams will come true. Hope that you all will find what you wanted in anywhere you guys are and will be. Take care of yourself there.

To all my lovely friends from KDU, well. Keep our memories well inur heart. All the things that we have done and all the times that was so lovely to be forgotten.

And, yes. Insya Allah, we will meet again.

To the special one, hope you will do as great as possible all the time. And we will be together till the end....(I love You)

I Love All Of You, My Brothers and Sister, More Than I Love Myself


Blogger Amal said...


12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm leaving soon.. means i'm goin even more far from u :( aww dear. i am sad, no doubt of that. it's painful to be apart, but insya allah the day will come when we don't have to be far anymore. rite? u told me that..and i hold on to it.hmm, i don't have to tell everybody that i am crying..or to show them my tears,because enough the one i love knows and understands... rite dear? aww..enough of the sad stuffs! hehe. i love u too dear!

1:23 AM  

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