
My Blog site. All about Whys... Hopefully i don't run out of whys.

Location: North Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Hey, I am Suhaimi. Thanks for checking out my blog. Hope some of the materials in it would be beneficial. InsyaAllah. Also, as we are all in constant struggle to improve ourselves, i would really appreciate if you would leave your comments. Be it on me or on things that i wrote. Thanks lots.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Why this blog site ain’t mine?

Well, simple. Cause I am not the only one reading it. Every time I post something is with only one intention. To express something. And of course, so that you, my readers would be reading it. Hmmm. Who would wanna compose a blog site that has no readers?

Thus, by accepting to blog, I am also accepting the responsibilities that come along with it and a certain etiquette that I must conform to. I have some degree on responsibility on every person that reads my blog. This simply means that this is not my blog site and I can’t do whatever I want with it.

Comment on this please.


Blogger Amal said...

Blog ini ditarafkan U; sesuai untuk tontonan umum dan semua lapisan masyarakat.

9:22 PM  

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