
My Blog site. All about Whys... Hopefully i don't run out of whys.

Location: North Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Hey, I am Suhaimi. Thanks for checking out my blog. Hope some of the materials in it would be beneficial. InsyaAllah. Also, as we are all in constant struggle to improve ourselves, i would really appreciate if you would leave your comments. Be it on me or on things that i wrote. Thanks lots.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Why The Lack of Post?

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Hi and how are you all doing? I am doing just fine here. Hope you all too. Its pretty rainy still Penang. It rained for more than half a day, non-stop yesterday. Feeling a bit cold at 22 degrees Celcius. I thought after all those 5 degrees in Melb, the 22s would be fine, but it ain't so. Haha.

Well, i am very sorry for the lack of post lately. Mainly there are two reasons.

1) The Malaysian governments policy to allow Telekom to monopolise the broadband market.
Since, other broadband companies are not allowed to operate in Malaysia, my one semester MicroEcons knowledge explains that, that is the reason for the SKY HIGH price and 'super screwed up' broadband quality of Telekom Malaysia. (Anyway i am using dial up)

2) My beautiful T371TCi* is still under repair. (*My laptop)

Hope you all doing good. And, if you have something nice to share, please do send to me. Comment in one of the post or email to suhaimi14@yahoo.com.

-Wallahu a'lam-
Allah knows best

P.S. No comments at all and very little tags. But the counter (which was launched on the 1st of Dec 2005) is making positive readings. Thanks to all the readers, and if you have anything at all, please leave something. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even minor bacterial infections can lead to redness, soreness, and in some cases, a discharge that may exude a foul odor.Fungal Infections- The rash and irritation in the common fungal infection known as jock itch is familiar to most men. Like bacteria, the fungus that causes jock itch is known to proliferate inside this warm, moist region of an sizegenetics, and without proper sizegenetics care, severe itching, redness and irritation can result.Heat Rash- Warm weather, in combination with restrictive clothing, can cause sweating and chafing, leading into the condition known as heat rash.

8:16 PM  

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