Why Living 2 : Further Reading
(peace be upon you and the mercy of Allaah and His blessings)
(Kebahagiaan untuk mu, semoga rahmat and berkat Allah ke atas mu)
Hope this post meets you in your best of heatlh, and more importantly in strong pleasure of Islam and Iman. This post is to quote some sources that i have used to write the previous post of 'Why Living 2?' and insya-Allah bring more confidence.
The ending section of the last post emphasized the importance of doing something for the sake of pleasing Allah. Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, a prominent Muslim scholar made a very nice and beautiful explanation on this topic. The way he approached this problem is very clear and enlightening. Hope you all could download this short 11 mins talk and listen to it. Insya-Allah, it will help clarify any doubts.
The written explanation to the above is found in the following link. You could read all if you have the time, but if little busy, please scroll down to the section titled "Every Act Is Worship" and have a short read.
Purpose Of Creation
Thank you
-Wallahu a'lam-
Allah knows best.
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