
My Blog site. All about Whys... Hopefully i don't run out of whys.

Location: North Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Hey, I am Suhaimi. Thanks for checking out my blog. Hope some of the materials in it would be beneficial. InsyaAllah. Also, as we are all in constant struggle to improve ourselves, i would really appreciate if you would leave your comments. Be it on me or on things that i wrote. Thanks lots.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Why Am I Not Assertive?

Well, i have been complaining on this topic ever since i can remember. And, yes, still havent got through it. And, one truth about this thing is that it is hereditary. I got this 'thing' from my mum. Haha. But, its different for her, she is pretty comfortable not being assertive. And, for me, its just getting more and more unbearable.

I was wondering how beautiful life would be if i can say out the word "NO" at the times that i need it the most. How beautiful not to do things just so that i wont hurt someone else. How beautiful would it be to live like "Shrek"... Where he just dont give a damn on what other people thinks of him and i do think that is the way i should go on with my life... Gotta convince myself that what others think of me does not matter and will never ever do...

When i am tired, i wanna say, "No, i am tired. You guys get on first".
When i am bored, i wanna say, "You guys are boring, bye".
When i am lazy, i wanna say, "Laaaazzzyyyy. Bye".
When i am dont want to do something, i wanna say, "I dont want to and i dont want to explain why".
And, not feel bad, after i said these things. Hmmmm.

To all the non-assertive dudes out there, let us all help each other to regain our life from other's hand...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww dear...nothing is wrong by saying no.go on sweetie,express urself.i know u can do it! hehe. love u

12:11 AM  
Blogger Amal said...

Nothing is wrong. As long as it is not sinful.

p/s: I have updated my blog. At last I got the guts to continue writing.

11:54 PM  
Blogger hazz said...

hey, ur my twin. Im having problem saying no too. my boyfren thinks im being too nice coz i give way too much. I know how u feel. its hard sayin no but once i said it i felt good but later i felt bad about it.

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

susu. katakan TAKNAK!

3:14 AM  
Blogger princess poopy said...

I always say no, and ppl listen. The key is body language. Look like u mean it.

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, if i'm asking u out for a movie... would u say 'NO' to me? hahha... *wink. I know u want it baby.. kui kui kui.. eay, when ppl cant respect ur own privacy/life.. u gotta have a stand mate~! cheers.. take care. and.. i'm serious about the movie :)

12:45 AM  

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